viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

Education problems!


 Iwant write for something very important and contingent, it is the problem with the education. During this year (and the  previous) the student organized a lot of strike for asked a resolution in the educational problems.  The request are (mainly) equity in the enter to university, improvement in the programs education and increase aid for part of state.
I think that the mobilization are good because it is important that student fight for their rights.  The government should finance the public education, don’t let privatizing the education. The educational minister is depriving a lot of scholarships given to student with economic problems. In actually, I am study with credit, if the state didn’t give me that, I could not study. I think that this situation is very common. For that, I informed of the situation of education and I discussed with my peers. Its obviously that I went to the demonstration on Thursday. I asked for the joust education.
I think that the government should listen the student and thy will debate for the problem to education. The government should not get the financing for student with economical problem, and they should leave to privatize the education.

The education is a right for all, without discrimination!     

5 comentarios:

  1. Is true that we must fight for our rights, but I think how much longer it will take for to be heard :/

  2. We have to fight for a joust education and for everyone!

  3. I'm agree with you too. Some see the strikes as a waste of time but I think the strikes are a legitimate means to bring attention to our demands

  4. hegemony, just hegemony... we have to construct this. EDUCATION IS A RIGHT, FOR THAT REASON IT MUST BE FREE!!!!
